Wompy Crit

Started in 1974 (!), the Wompy Crit is a "criterium" style road bike race held each Tuesday night throughout the late spring & summer months at Wompatuck State Park.
FOW: Road Biking in Wompatuck


Come Race the Wompy Crit

Tuesday Nights All Summer!!

A valid USA Cycling license is NOT required to ride, but a signed USAC waiver and helmet is required.

  • Day-of Registration opens at 5:30 PM
  • *On-line pre-registration preferred*
  • Racing starts at 6:15PM sharp
  • Open to ALL Categories
  • Length: 75 minutes
  • Field Size: 75 
  • Laps: 25 / Distance: 32.5 miles
  • Registration Fee $20

The Wompy Crit:

Come Join Us!

Started in 1974 (!), the Wompy Crit is a "criterium" style road cycling race held each Tuesday night through the summer at Wompatuck State Park. New racers looking to get a start in the sport as well as experienced racers looking to hone their skills & boost their fitness are encouraged to attend. 

  • Closed course - NO cars
  • In the woods and out of the summer sun.
  • Safety, fun, & camaraderie are always the focus.
  • Intermediate, Advanced, & Expert riders are encouraged to attend.

Up Coming Races:

criterium /krī-tîr′ē-əm/


  1. A bicycle race conducted on a short course over roads that have been closed to traffic, usually consisting of multiple laps of a winding loop.
  2. A mass-start road-cycle race consisting of several laps around a closed circuit, the length of each lap or circuit ranging from about 1 km to 2 km (1/2 mile to just over 1 mile).

Past Event Photos!

Interested in Helping?

Then PLEASE Consider Joining , Volunteering, or Donating Today!


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